Our dance fundraiser is back! Join us next Friday, March 4th, for our Someone Special Dance. Get your tickets! Prince & Princess raffle tickets will be available for students during lunches next week!
almost 3 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
Become a substitute!
about 3 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
Big Reds, We are aware of the nationwide Tik Tock trend calling for school violence tomorrow. There is no specific threat against Bellaire Schools. We will have an increased law enforcement presence tomorrow out of an abundance of caution.
about 3 years ago, Derrick McAfee
Today Mrs. Cusick secured a $13,900 grant to roll out Project Lead The Way in Bellaire Elementary! With this grant, we will be offering PLTW courses in each building. Please visit pltw.org for more information on this exciting program!
over 3 years ago, Derrick McAfee
Bellaire Middle School's Spirit Week is October 18-22 Mon, Oct. 18 Pajama Day Tue, Oct. 19 Hawaiian Day Wed, Oct. 20 Hat Day AND Open House/Fall Festival Thu, Oct. 21 Purple and White Day Fri, Oct. 22 Red and Black Day! Go Big Reds
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Berdine
School  Spirit Week 2021
Last of the vegetables picked and the MS Afterschool students getting the garden ready for next season! A lot of great tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage. Our students have some real green thumbs!
over 3 years ago, Kellie Cusick
finishing the picking
Pulling out the plants
21-22 Middle School AHA students
Removing the tomato cages
Congratulations to Bellaire Middle School's 5th grade ELA teacher, Mrs. Tracie Hughes, for being awarded a $500 MAC Grant from McDonalds. This grant will pay for the 5th grade Christmas plates that our students make each year. #MACGrant
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Berdine
Mrs. Hughes MAC Grant
Each week, BMS students earn tickets when they are caught doing random acts of kindness. Names drawn from each grade level get a free Gulla's meal on Fridays provided by Mr. Gulla and the PTO! #thskindesskam @trinityhealth system @gullasnextdoor
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Berdine
Week 1  - Michael G.  Samantha N. and Serenity A.
Week 2  - Austen S.  Adyson B.  Steven B. and Seth D.
Isaac M. Channing N. David P. and Dayleonna S.
Dylan S. Noah K. Robert H. and Kaden H.
Thank you to our BHS National Honor Students for taken care of the destruction at the playground. Way to show your Big Red Pride! It’s a great day to be a Big Red!
over 3 years ago, Kellie Cusick
Tyler, Jaren, and Nico
BHS painters
BHS students
BHS NHS students
Reminder to families that our PTO is having an Otis Spunkmeyer Fun-Raiser to support the school. Order forms went home Tuesday and are due back to the school by October 5!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Berdine
PTO Fundraiser
Bellaire Local School District is currently looking for substitutes!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Berdine
Substitutes Needed
Just a reminder that Bellaire Middle School’s 5th Grade Open House is from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, August 18, 2021! ❤️🖤❤️
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Berdine
5th Grade Open House
Please see the attached letter with information about the 21-22 school year. Go Big Reds!
over 3 years ago, Derrick McAfee
COVID Letter
Attention Families: Bellaire Middle School's 5th Grade Open House is Wednesday, August 18, 2021 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Berdine
5th Grade Open House
Bellaire Middle School families - Check out our important dates for back to school!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Berdine
Back to School
Bellaire Schools will be hosting its second dose clinic this Friday, March 19, in the BHS Cafeteria.   Therefore, Friday will also be a remote learning day for Bellaire Schools.  Any questions should be directed to your child's building principal.
almost 4 years ago, Darren Jenkins
Due to a water line break Bellaire Middle School & Bellaire Elementary School will be using remote learning today.
almost 4 years ago, Jim Hill
Bellaire Schools will have a remote learning day this Wednesday, February 24th to enable teachers & staff to receive a COVID vaccine.
almost 4 years ago, Darren Jenkins
Bellaire local schools will be operating on a two hour delay today.
almost 4 years ago, Jim Hill
Bellaire local schools will be using remote learning today.
almost 4 years ago, Jim Hill