In providing healthy food choices and well-balanced meals will contribute to the daily nutritional needs of the student. The types of foods sold within the school encompass standards as defined by the Dietary Guidelines and governed by the Department of Agriculture.

Through its’ Food Service program, the Board has a responsibility to encourage students to form healthful eating habits. The school provides assistance in improving students’ knowledge and awareness of healthy eating habits through the development of a District Wellness Policy (Policy EFG).

The Board enforces standards, governing the types of foods that may be sold on the premises of its’ schools, and specifying the time and place each type of food is sold. These standards are based on the following guidelines.

1. Food should not be sold on any school premises except those that are in accordance with standards adopted by the Board. The types of food sold in the schools are determined by how much they contribute to the daily nutritional needs of students and how they enhance the District’s philosophy in promoting health and wellness.

2. The time of day and place for the sale of food to students must be consistent with the nutrient intake needs of students and compatible with the school class schedules within the district. Separate standards may be established for the types of food sold to staff members and for extracurricular events. The following restrictions should be enforced:

a. School stores, vending machines or concessions outside of those operated by the Food Service Department are prohibited to operate during school meal times as this is deemed as competition with Food Service.

b. Offering of foods or beverages in vending services that do not meet the nutritional standards established by the District may not be sold during the school day. NOTE: The school day shall be defined as the interval from the time each building is open in the morning until after dismissal.

c. School fund raising activities (i.e. bake sales) cannot take place during the school day as this is also deemed as competition with Food Service.

d. Competitive foods, which are defined as foods not part of a reimbursable school meal such as ice cream, crackers, chips, and other snacks with minimal nutritional value may be sold in the cafeteria during meal service only if all income from the sale of such foods accrues to the benefit of the non-profit food service program.

e. The sale of carbonated beverages, Popsicles, chewing gum, and candies during mealtime are prohibited by the National School Lunch Program.